I have a table “A” that needs to pull records form another table “B”. Table “B” has records of personnel activities based by date.
Person 1 may have 6 activities on certain date. Instead of pulling records one by one, I would like to pull all records...
I have a lookup field that brings the same data from other table (e.g. Joe Newman, Joe Newman, Joe Newman, Joe Newman). I need to display that information (in this case the name of that person ONLY once) in a page designer block. What can I do?
I am getting the MIN and AVE of two fields from a table using the rollup function. When I use the expression IF to compare the rollup results, the IF statement delivers wrong information. Please, some one help
I have a table “A” to use for producing a report using page designer.
I need to populate some fields from records in table “B”. Table “B” have several people doing several activities (e.g. driving time, working time, assisting time) in a week. I need...
{AvePrevWage} and {MinPrevWage} are coming from different table, not from where the calculations are done.
The field {PrevWage} are formatted in currency values at the original table
Thanks, Bill.
I adjusted the decimals to the max permitted, but the results are the same. Any other options, or any idea on how to detect in the values changed during a week, instead of using the listed method? Thanks