6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator
since ‎Jan 30, 2019
‎Nov 29, 2022

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It would be great to have a native solution to this problem.Let’s say I used the SendGrid block to email all Users in a certain grid view.Now I want to document that the email was sent out to them in a separate Emails table.Currently I have to manual...
Let’s say I have an “Emails” table where each email row has a “Sent to” field that can be linked to multiple entires from the Users table. Now, I just sent out an email to 40 people in the “Users” table. What’s the easiest way to add all 40 to that e...
Our entire workflow hinges on quick and easy mass-merging of records based on simple rules:When the Email keys of two records match create a single record out of both:Ignore empty fieldsWhen available, select the more recent entry to a fieldThis is b...
The SendGrid block is currently unworkable, and it’s forcing us to find another solution. This is a big shame because it’ll require our teams to use two separate tools instead of one, even though this integration exists. Here are our needs in order o...