I want an automation to update the linked records. It works when a record only has 1 linked record that the automation should update. But when there is more linked records to update it will not change any of them. any suggestions?
Filling in forms with a smart phone. Typing in a value in a field/form that only can contain numbers should automatically open the number keypad on phones.(thanks for a great service by the way! )
Thank you Valentino. I found a solution with the "Repeating Groups" https://support.airtable.com/v1/docs/repeating-groups-of-automation-actions?_gl=1*fr096b*_ga*Njc1NTA3NjI3LjE2OTEwNjY1NTE.*_ga_VJY8J9RFZM*MTY5MzExNjg2My4yMy4xLjE2OTMxMTczODguMC4wLjA.N...