5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast
since ‎Apr 30, 2016
‎Nov 29, 2022

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  • 8 Posts
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Hello, Does anyone now how can i achieve this: I have a field with a few records that give me total sales and i want to be able to automatically update another field with the market share percentage, but i have not been able to come up with a formula...
Hello, i have a base with multiple tables, on my main table i have a field which represents the days old the animal is, on another field i have a rollup which gives me multiple values of the days that the animal brothers were born. I am trying to fig...
It would be great if the COUNTIF and the COUNTIFS formulas were implemented in Airtable. I use them in most of my excel spreadsheets, and it is a little frustrating not being able to use it here. Are there any plans to add more formulas?