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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

It would be great if the COUNTIF and the COUNTIFS formulas were implemented in Airtable. I use them in most of my excel spreadsheets, and it is a little frustrating not being able to use it here. Are there any plans to add more formulas?

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

I’m also a frequent user of countif functions in spreadsheets. This feature in AirTable would be a big help to me.

Airtable Alumni (Retired)

Thank you for the feedback! We’re definitely planning on adding more formulas—the set of formulas that we have right now certainly isn’t set in stone.

As for COUNTIF, how would you plan on using it within Airtable? Formulas within Airtable work on a field-by-field basis, not a cell-by-cell basis, so naturally any formula implemented within Airtable will have slightly different considerations than implementing a formula in Excel. Why would you need a COUNTIF formula specifically, as opposed to using a view with a set of filters and seeing the number of records within that view?

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Thanks for your reply Katherine, the particular Base I’m trying to reproduce from excel in Airtable is for a sheep management operation. I have the main table on which many of my reports i can reproduce with filtered views. One particular field from every record i have not been able to reproduce in airtable and that is the Birth Type. I want airtable to calculate automatically the number of sheep born from the same mother on the same date to determine if it is a single, twin or triplet. In excel i use countifs formula so it counts if it is the same mother and it was born on the same date and it just gives me a 1 a 2 or a 3. I have tried using various tables without any luck on reproducing my result from this excel formula. =IF(COUNTIFS(Mother,Mother,DOB,DOB)=3,“Triplet”,IF(COUNTIFS(Mother,Mother,DOB,DOB)=2,“Twin”,IF(COUNTIFS(Mother,Mother,DOB,DOB)=1,“Single”,"")))
Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated!

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

Here’s a summary of the first situation I encountered where a OOUNTIF function would have been helpful. I’m certainly open to a suggestion about an alternative approach.

I was building a base for tracking job applicants and had a bunch of fields where I was storing scores for individual responses to a set of interview questions. Each interview response is scored as a 0, ? or +. I’d like to have another field where I can generate a total “+” count for all the questions for a particular candidate. I’d like to be able to sort and filter based on that total “score.”

Does that make sense?

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I too would use COUNTIFs

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hey, that would be a great feature indeed for reporting purposes. I am using AirTable to catalogue presentations at our events and, specifically, I am currently going through an approval for publishing of their videos. So I would use COUNTIF to have a quick view of how many got approved already, how many are pre-approved, how many pending, how many declined, etc. A workaround would be of course using the filter and see the number of records, but I would have to do so for each value, whereas it would be nice being able to make a “dashboard” with the number of each of those. Likewise for other fields with pre-set values, it would be good to make other reporting sums (e.g. how many presentations we have within a certain theme - being themes pre-set variables)

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

+1 !!!
I’m also a frequent user of countif functions in spreadsheets. Please add it…

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

not optimal, but an IF formula field that copies the desired “COUNTIF” field values combined with a rollup should do the trick, no?

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Any news on implementing COUNTIF formula??

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast


My application for COUNTIF is to count the number of classes (linked date records) attended within the last week. Any ideas for a workaround? I need to COUNT date records that are less than 7 seven days old.

I hope to see this formula function added to Airtable.
