6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator
since ‎Jul 27, 2021
‎Sep 12, 2023

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when you add a new linked record in interface designer, you have the option to toggle certain fields that you want to show up in a form if you don't want to actually open the record (helpful when you are adding multiple linked records like the produc...
What is the proposed idea/solution?Have a privacy field that requires certain permissions or password protected for information stored such as social security numbers. Who is the target audience?- services industry where private information from the ...
It would be nice to be able to control the size of long text fields in interface designer. When I'm typing long notes such as "rapport" notes or "project overview notes" in interface designer, it automatically resizes the box according to the length ...
Every day I update all of my clients on the items I need from them so I can keep their projects on track. Having separate records for every single subtask is overkill so a single record is the parent record and I use the rich text check boxes “”/“” t...
When I used to use salesforce, I was able to manage a lot of data with charts/graphs. I could click sections of a graph (a piece of a pie/donut chart bar graph, dot on a scatterplot, etc) and it would show the underlying data tables that was being su...