@Trung_Nguyen Have you tested that? I am pretty sure I tried that and it didn't work but I will attempt again. Also. Do you know how to get the module to handle multiline fields? Doesn't seem like the Word module is repeating my carriage returns...
@Trung_Nguyen I am still running into a challenge. I did what you suggested. 1) Connected to Airtable to get the date. 2) Downloaded the file from OneDrive. 3) Ran the file through the Word Template module and now I am trying to get the file into...
This is great information @Trung_Nguyen . I am about to put my head through the wall on the Word Template module. Have you figured out how to get the formatted document into an attachment field in Airtable when you are done?
I took this example from the OP which seemed to be limited to just whole numbers and manipulated it a bit to take into account the decimal places as well. Seems to be working. The target is a currency field (which is obviously past due and the left...