Apr 15, 2021 01:19 PM
Hope I’m putting this in the right forum. I could swear that, a long time ago, I saw Gareth Pronovost demonstrate how you can generate a URL that will load an existing record into a form so a user can edit it. All I recall really recall is that it involves getting the record ID into the URL. But I’ve been searching for how to do this and can’t find it.
I’m talking about a technique that does not require anything outside Airtable. I already know how to do this using miniAutomations (and that works great). But I’m trying to do it without miniAutomations or any other helper service.
Anybody able to throw me a clue?
Added a minute later: To be clear, I’m NOT talking about prepopulating fields in the form. I know how to do that, too, using ‘prefill_’ and encoding the URL. When you do that it simply prepopulates certain fields with values, but when user hits Submit it creates a new record. I want to edit an existing record and then save the changes to the same record.
Apr 15, 2021 02:10 PM
Gareth has two such videos that I could find on his channel. The older one (from a couple of years ago) uses FormNano, but one that was posted just two months ago is probably the one you’re looking for:
Apr 15, 2021 04:38 PM
THANKS, Justin! That’s exactly what I was thinking about. Couldn’t remember the technique but as soon as Gareth mentioned creating a second utility table called “Updates” it all came flooding back. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again.
Apr 15, 2021 07:02 PM
Here is a variation on this method that does not involve creating an updates table:
How it works:
Advantages of this system:
Disadvantages of this system:
If you want such a script but are not up to writing it yourself, schedule an appointment with me to discuss your script writing needs.
Apr 15, 2021 08:03 PM
Thanks Kuovonne. Have bookmarked this and will review it later, and I’m sure this will be helpful to others as well. These days I assume that I can do lots of things with javascript – but I’m a die-hard and trying to see how far I can go without it.
William Porter / Technology
Dallas, Texas