Aug 25, 2022 05:40 PM
Hi there!
I am trying to figure out a way to create book catalogs to automatically email customers from specific table views. I do something similar for sales: When the Shipped field from my Sales table is checked, an email notification automatically goes out. In this case, though, I’m hoping to send multiple books in a single email, and hoping to avoid the awkward bunching together of ALL TITLES, ALL AUTHORS, etc. Ideally, all the records would be displayed with their seven fields in this format:
AUTHOR. Title. Place: Publisher, Year. Description. Price.
Any suggestions? Are there any extensions that might make this possible? Thanks in advance for any ideas or expertise you might be willing to share!
Aug 28, 2022 02:18 AM
The best way to do that is to have a formula in the Books table with those fields, then link the books to the customers, then you can lookup / rollup the new formula field to the customers table where you can send the email
Aug 28, 2022 11:44 AM
Gonna try it out. Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll let you know how it goes . . .