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Status Update Automation After Record Opened in Interface

Topic Labels: Automations
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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Hi guys,

I currently have a status filed (New, Opened, Responded). I have the "New" and "Responded" sorted via automations, but is there anyway to update the "Status" from "New" to "Open" when someone opens the record within an interface screen.

Any thoughts or help would help massively!

1 Reply 1
18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

Not easily I'm afraid; Airtable doesn't provide any automation triggers from opening a record via an Interface right now

Overengineered, but I think this might be possible with a Make webhook that would redirect the user to the expected Interface, and so we'd need to:
1. Create a Make webhook that receives the record ID
2. Make that scenario update the "Status" to "Open" if the existing Status is "New"
3. Make that scenario redirect the user to the expected Interface page as explained here:
4. Make the user click this webhook link to go to the record in the Interface: I wrote a guide for this here:

Not too sure about the user experience for this.  I think after they click the button it'll be open in a new tab, and it'll be a black screen for a second before transitioning to the Interface