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Two Trigger Automations?

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I’d really like to create an automation where if a record matches a certain condition, an email is sent every two weeks. So basically, I’d have two triggers, record matches condition + scheduled time. Is that possible?

1 Solution

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18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

Another option is to have a single automation trigger based on the output of a formula field. The formula would both check for the record conditions and also check the current date to see if it’s on a two-week interval (using the WEEKDAY(), WEEKNUM(), and MOD() functions). Only when all conditions are met would the formula output a specific value to trigger the automation.

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3 Replies 3

Hey @kandice_rose!
Welcome in!

Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to fire an automation with two distinct triggers.

There are many reasons why it’s somewhat risky to do so. However, with that in mind, there are some flexible workarounds depending on what your use case is.

The most straightforward way is to build your automation and duplicate it. Then you would change the trigger on the duplicate to match your needs.

The automation limit has recently been increased from twenty-five to fifty. That change should allow you to use this method without pushing your automation cap.

Definitely feel free to fire off any questions or concerns you might have with this.
Alternatively, if your use case is a bit more complex, let me know and we can look at an alternative route to solving it!

18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

Another option is to have a single automation trigger based on the output of a formula field. The formula would both check for the record conditions and also check the current date to see if it’s on a two-week interval (using the WEEKDAY(), WEEKNUM(), and MOD() functions). Only when all conditions are met would the formula output a specific value to trigger the automation.

Thank you! This is what I ended up doing.