Regarding binary validation, you could simply make a control field containing answers to all your yes/no questions. Its formula would be something like:
{YesNoQuestionField1} & {YesNoQuestionField2} & {YesNoQuestionField3} & ""
Notice the quotation marks at the end, those will turn that field into a string and leave you with something in the vein of 1101/0000/1101, depending on the yes-no answers.
Then create another field (you can join it with the above one during the cleanup phase) and have it contain instructions/act as a trigger for what you want to do, based on the contents of the aforementioned summary.
I’d usually go with a Switch statement there. Something in the vein of:
SWITCH({ControlFieldName},"0000","Why so negative?", "0101", "You scored 50% on the positivity test", "1111", "Why, aren't you eager.", "")