Nov 01, 2023 07:59 AM
I have a base where we I need to return the lowest value possible value for items that share a unique identifier (this is generated for each record and only some overlap) AND the same quantity. For example, say I had 4 records that generated their identifier to 101A, with quantities of 200, 300, 400, 500. For All of these records, I need a field that returns the minimum quantity (200) for each record with that matching ID ; and will work with possibly thousands of unique identifiers.
I thought this would be an easy formula, but cannot seem to make this function whatsoever.
Nov 01, 2023 10:57 AM
I am a little confused about this wording:
@kjhbjkljn5gfqrk wrote:... for items that share a unique identifier (this is generated for each record and only some overlap) AND the same quantity.
None of the items you gave in the example have the same quantity.
If I ignore that part, you can do this by linking all records with the same identifier, and using a rollup column that looks like this:
Source: Column with the linked records
Field You Want to Roll Up: Quantity
Aggregation Formula: MIN(values)
Nov 01, 2023 04:34 PM
Hey @kjhbjkljn5gfqrk can you share some screenshots of your current tables and fields? Seeing a visual example will help me to better understand what you're looking for. Thanks!