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Re: Building a Front-End Solution with Individual User Accounts and Private Notes

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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I have an Airtable backend and I’m looking to create a front-end solution where users can:

1. Create Individual Accounts: Users should be able to sign up and log in securely.

2. Create Favorite Lists: Users can create personalized favorite lists from items in my main Airtable list.

3. Add Private Notes: Each user should have the ability to add private notes to items in their favorite lists, which should not be visible to other users.

I’m seeking recommendations for low-code or no-code building tools that integrate well with Airtable to achieve this functionality efficiently. Any suggestions or best practices would be greatly appreciated!

2 Replies 2

Try Softr?  It's a drag and drop builder, mostly for external users (i.e. it looks nicer).  Pory's also an option

If it's internal you can try StackerHQ

There's also noloco and Bubble too

I'd recommend checking out the Airtable subreddit about this as well; there's a fair amount of reviews / discussion about the various front end tools available there!

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

How's it going now? As for frontend, I have in mind a good company I have experienced that the guys work well. I like their prices and like the way they treat their customers. I always have a guarantee that my site works as it should.