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Hi all,

I have met an issue where i've created an interface page that can be drilled down to a record detail. However, although i can see the fields perfectly fine, my team mate who has editor permissions only sees the fields as 'deleted' and I'm not sure what the issue is. 


This is what my team mate sees.

 This is what i see.

I have re-shared the interface with her, edited her permissions, created a new record detail page but none of it worked so far. Did anyone else encounter this issue? How did you resolve it?


Thanks in advance!


Strange behaviour indeed!

I'm just checking all the possibilities here.

When in Edit mode of your interface, check to see if you have any unpublished changes and clear them. You can find this option in the three dots next to your interface page's name.

Check the field's permissions in the Table

Are you getting these options in your attachment element?


If not, try building your interface with one of the newer builders and not the legacy builder.
"Record Summary" & "Blank" are the two legacy builders which have less functionality.



Thanks Justin!


- The latest version has already been published and there's no unpublished changes.

- Field permissions to make changes are for editor and up, but this use case in the interface is only for viewing (the user has editor permissions)

- For the image, i do have that options (it's only 1 photo so maybe i don't have the quantity option)

- I think the record detail page is on the new layout and not the legacy layout as i can convert it to legacy.

- I also used "View as User" to use my teammates account to view this interface page and i'm able to see the images with no problem, but when she used it on her PC, it shows the deleted fields.


Hi, does any have a solution to this? I've shared this interface with another account and i'm seeing the deleted files in my record detail view as well
