Oct 28, 2022 10:16 AM
IF({Company Name}, {Company Name}&“:”&IF({Training Date},DATETIME_FORMAT({Training Date},‘MM.DD’))&““&{Main Instructor for course}&””&{Course Catalog},BLANK())
Is it possible to add two checks inside the if like a "IF({Company Name) and {Date Started}) to that whole statement so that if both are active THEN it proceeds, otherwise Blank?
Oct 28, 2022 04:08 PM
You can use the AND() function in your formula.
Something like this would work:
IF(AND(first logic statement, second logic statement),(Insert what you would like the formula to return if both items are true), “”)
A few notes, you shouldn’t need to enter the BLANK() function, you can just set it to two double or single quotes: “”
Give that a shot.
Oct 28, 2022 05:38 PM
YES! I knew there had to be a way :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks!