Again running into issues with not having more granular control of User Permissions. Wondering if this is on the Roadmap and if so (Though I know you can’t say when) is it one of the higher priority items?
Support for input from participants outside the organization is covered through Forms, but Airtable would be useful for me as a planning tool if participants could view and edit the records they have created.
Also hoping for restrictions for fields(user can edit only certain fields, the rest is view only), like Protected cells in Excel.
One or more of these changes may go out in early 2017.
Sorry to be a pest but has this been implemented? Can you provide more details if so/not. I really need more advanced permissions otherwise I will have to look at otherwise far less attractive alternatives.
Hi guys, I am a fan of your product, actively trying to implement Airtable in my studio,
My guess is that any sort of granular permission is better than none… I get that as a developer you need to start building in the right direction, but for a platform that evidently is trying to cater to business teams it feels imperative provide some sort access restriction to data.
Is anything of the sort currently being beta-tested?
I would love to serve as guinea pig ! :slightly_smiling_face:
That topic is so important!
At the moment Airtable practically offers only two kind of permissons:
The full access to the database for every colaborator - edit and view
or only the view option
That is to less for practical use 😕 It would be really great if you could implent different “edit” permission for each table.
It would also help if you implement “Link to other Base”
Advanced User Permissions would be fantastic, but I was wondering if more simplistic permissioning will become available soon. For example, is there a possibility to allow edit ability when you share a view via private link? I am making certain views external facing to people and hoping that people can make edit within my 1 table.
Google has done a fantastic job with their user permissions. To have similar control for each table in a base and also global base access controls like that would likely solve a lot of the use cases listed here.
Another point I’d like to emphasize is the value of being able to share with your whole company domain, via email addresses. You have these controls right now when “Sharing” the entire base, which is great. The problem is that I don’t want everyone in my company seeing all the tables. We want them to see a couple select tables and a particular VIEW within those tables. Leveraging the power of VIEWS I think you have an opportunity to create some powerful permission controls, but not have to accommodate permissioning for individual fields ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Here’s that option you have under “Share,” which I really love…
All I need is for the view I share to include an option to allow the person I shared it with to edit.
I am working on a grant with a lot of info that is interconnected, and it is really annoying that I can’t just give people permission to edit the view with the info they provide. Some tables include billing info that collaborators in other departments should not have access to, but I can’t move them to a separate base but have them linked so all the connected fields can update, etc etc.
We can share views already; why not add the option to share with edit access? For now, I have to scan through dates of a number of tests for a number of study participants and try to pick out all the new test dates that were added (some are old, and the dates are being incorporated into the new table slowly, so I can’t just pick up at the last date I checked).
You can always watch out for changes in the activity bar, and people concerned can always follow that record.
I agree with all the comments above. My use case is that I have a directory of services for our organisational members. I want to give them access to edit some, but not all of the data. Like most of the others, I think simply allowing the ability to edit a table or particular view would solve my problem. Another use case I have is a volunteer database, which has lots of confidential data, but which would be useful to enable some people to access to help me manage the database. Again, a table or view-only edit access would solve the problem.
I love Airtable, but I have to say the permissions in Smartsheet are really slick. It’s almost a shame it’s lacking in the database area. :winking_face:
From the link:
locking columns
single row updates (would also make sense without payed AT account)