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Customizable Column Order for Linked Fields in Kanban View

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8 - Airtable Astronomer
8 - Airtable Astronomer
Status: New Ideas
What is the proposed idea/solution?

The proposed solution is to introduce a feature in Airtable's Kanban view that allows users to manually reorder columns when using linked fields, just as they can with single-select fields. This would involve a drag-and-drop functionality where users can click and move columns into their preferred order, rather than having them automatically sorted alphabetically.

How does is solve the user problems?

Currently, users are limited by the automatic sorting of columns when using linked fields in Kanban view, which can lead to a less intuitive workflow and makes it harder to organize tasks effectively. By allowing manual reordering of columns, users gain the flexibility to arrange their Kanban boards in a way that best fits their workflow and priorities. This would improve the usability of Kanban views, particularly for teams working on complex projects that require customized task organization.

How was this validated?

The need for this feature has been highlighted by user feedback and the limitations experienced by teams who frequently use linked records in their Kanban views. The idea builds on existing functionality (manual reordering for single-select fields), so it’s a natural extension of a proven feature. While there may not be formal studies validating this specific solution, it is grounded in practical user experience and the need for greater customization in Airtable. Feedback from the Airtable community, including forums and support channels, often reflects a desire for more control over how data is displayed and managed, validating the importance of such a feature.

Who is the target audience?

The target audience includes Airtable users who rely on Kanban views for project management and task tracking, especially those using linked fields extensively. This feature would benefit teams and individuals looking for more control and customization in their project management processes. It is particularly relevant for users managing complex projects with multiple linked records where the ability to organize columns manually would improve workflow and visibility.