Hi. I have created a “master base” for an client. This base has many tables (~30) that all reflect entities that are important to the clients business/workflow and I’ve applied normalization as much as possible. I have tried using Airtable’s sync feature to split out related information into separate bases. However, after using sync, data becomes read-only so no edits can be made and data is no longer available in “real-time”. I am using miniExtentions for the client’s project (since line-item entry and other features are needed) and they always need the ability to edit and add data wherever possible (directly from miniExtentions forms, grids or cards). As a result of the clients needs, I have always resorted back to the single base design with many tables since separate bases with sync doesn’t work for the clients use case.
Considering the above, what is the best way to organize a base with many tables (~30)? It’s super annoying to have to scroll through so many tables! #FeatureRequest — It would be nice if there was a way to visually group common tables together within the same base. Any ideas on how to better organize the tables? I assume I am not the only one facing this problem as a result of client needs and I believe people that are creating client portals or forms using miniExtentions, Stacker, Softr, or a similar tool are facing the same issue.
Please assist. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.