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Identifying forms a) by hidden embedded form value or b) by using query parameter

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

a) Currently, there is no way to embed hidden preset value into a form. Hidden preset value could be used to code the form to be user specific so that the form response would carry the user ID back to the table to given column, like field: “Name” and value: “Mark Hamilton”.

b) Currently, form URL looks like this:********
Query parameters could be used to code the URL to be user specific so that the form response would carry the user ID back to the table to given column, like this:********?name&Mark%20Hamilton

The reason behind is user centric thinking. We don’t want to force user to type of pick own name when reporting job.

BR Tomas

18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

You can already prefill forms by changing the URL parameters, and if you have advanced prefilling needs, this app by @kuovonne will help you figure out your prefill URL.

But sadly, Airtable doesn’t allow the prefilling of hidden fields. Well, they let you prefill hidden fields, but hidden fields don’t get their values submitted upon form submission.

In my opinion, this is a large oversight in Airtable, because this feature is universally needed in many forms everywhere across the web. The lack of this feature leads to some really odd workarounds, including the workaround that Airtable created for their own support pages — at the bottom of each support page, if you click on “Not Really”, you get taken to a form that asks you to not change the support article ID. :man_shrugging:

For hidden prefill form values, you will probably want to check out JotForm, which also has native Airtable integration built into it.

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

That was fast and got the point! Thanks for the hint, JotForm looks like something we can use :ok_hand:

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Also, found this one with similar discussed capabilities: