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Lookup Field on Form View

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

We use Airtable as a CRM and event management. These uses have been accomplished using separate bases but there’s been a growing desire for this process to be streamlined with an emphasis on leveraging the data already in the CRM. Ultimately, what I’m suggesting is Lookup Fields displayed on a Form View once a Link to Another Record Field is populated.

Here’s a use case:
CRM has a Table containing contacts with contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) and a Table for an event’s participants. The participant table has a Form View. The first field/question on the form is a Link to Another Record Field where the registrant selects their name. The next field/question would be a Lookup field displaying the phone number found on the linked record. The next field/question would ask if the phone number was still correct. The next field/question could be a question conditionally visible if the phone number was incorrect. We’d then repeat the process for the other data displayed by the Lookup fields.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

+1 for this use case.

10 - Mercury
10 - Mercury

Hey @Reba_Thomas!

This would be a great feature in Airtable!

If you need this functionality, it’s possible with On2Air Forms. It will display your data from a field based on the selection from a previous field.

This example shows how it’s done. Once you select the Company name, it displays the Company logo in the form.

10 - Mercury
10 - Mercury

If you would like to show lookup fields on the form, this is possible using our Advanced Form for Airtable. You can check out the live demo here:

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Another +1 to add the ability to place lookup fields on forms. In my case, I'd just like to display contextual data (that is stored in a lookup field) that would help the user make the correct selections when filling out the form. It seems crazy that this is not possible out-of-the-box.

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

+ 1 to Barnaby's statement. This would be very helpful in our form use.

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Adding a plus one to this

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

One of the most basic uses of a relational database is the ability to show connected field data in a linked record. (For example, show the Vendor Name when selecting the Vendor ID.)

AirTable does this in Table View but not in Form View.

Paying $10 – $30+ monthly for a third-party plug-in for this functionality makes no sense.

Please rethink this.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

+1 for this functionality

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast


I found a helpful and currently free option that I can share. integrates with Airtable seamlessly. 


I found you can create a form there, linked to your base. 

When you select a linked record as a selectable field in the form, you can ask Fillout to also display selected fields from the linked record. In fillout, set up the linked record as an option for the form. In the settings for that you should see a 'Button Display' option. In the 'Search placeholder', click the plus button. You'll then see options of any records linked to that original field. You can select within it to display the field you want to provide. In my case, I have my staff select their name and I want to them to confirm various details we have on their current profile: expected positions they hold, dietary preferences, shirt size, etc. They can view those fields under their name as they select it. Then questions below ask if they want to update the fields. If yes, I then take the answer and manually update the responses to overwrite. It seems you can also set the fields to be searchable to assist with record selection if that is the need.

Shoot me an email if you want a screencap...I don't have the ability to share one here it seems. tgrier (at) rec (period) tamu (period) edu.

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

A +1 for this! Use case:

A staff member meets with a person from an office. They're filling out a form to give a report out of their meeting. Most people are already attached to offices, but they may not be attached to the most current or correct office; I'd prefer not to make the assumption that they are. When the staff member selects the person, I'd like them to be able to see the office so they can confirm it or update it. 

Right now they can't do that so I am adding a free text field for them to type in the office, and only have the ability to add an office when they're adding a brand new person to our db.