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Restructure useless trigger to When record's' enter a view (plural)

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9 - Sun
9 - Sun

i think the absolute most useful automation for my use case would be something that fires ONE time when a batch of records are added to a view rather than say for example one email per record added id like one email that says your table has rolled over to the new month or whatever. but have many records in the table. right now im using one view share link per person and changing a status in my people table (separate from the content) to ‘notify’ and triggering with a formula to send an email with the view share link in it but all of the data involved in that is 4-5 unnecessary fields in my people base. and this breaks down when i need to send the same stuff to an entire location i then have 4-5 extra fields in the locations table. i also dont like including those urls in every email as some people internally are afraid to click on links in emails and for some entities they wont even get through the endpoint.
maybe even one email with a list of the records that were added