+1 to allow any field to have a default value. I have a long text field that I’d like to have always start with the same basic content that can then be edited as a project evolves.
Big ol’ +1 from me! Especially to the single select field.
The workaround from @James_Steed and @Noel_Howell is nice, but you can’t group by that formula field in the Kanban view.
Like @Dan_Weaver pointed out, it looks like we’re stuck with that ugly “Uncategorized” stack. That could easily be resolved with a default value for single select.
If you really wanted to get fancy, you could go so far as to have a “field required” option on fields with a defined default value. If the user tries to delete the content in the field, it could revert to the default value. And add an option to disallow “create a new option named …” so that people can’t accidentally add to the single select options with a typo. In some cases I prefer to be forced to customize the field type, in other cases creating the new option as I add content is nice. Toggling that option on or off would be cool.
But now I’ve gone off the deep end. :swimming_woman: Those extra things would be nice to have, but the only thing I actually NEED is the ability to set a default value for a single select field.
Can’t we use the integration with Zapier to find and update the newest record - inserting desired “default” values into specific fields? I know it requires a paid Zapier account because it is a multi-step zap. This is what I’m trying to do now. My challenge is how to search for and select the most recent record…
Create a view that filters to show only records with an empty single select field (ie, “uncategorized” in kan ban), and have Zapier act on all new records in that view.
If Zapier does it’s job, that view should stay empty.
I also support this feature especially for single select field.
When I create a row in GRID VIEW I want “TODO” to be added to the single field automatically so that my cards appears in the “TODO” column in kanban view automatically.
In grid view if I group by a field and then add a row in a group, the current field is set to the group-by value. Grouping by Status and entering rows in the TODO group would do what Aurelien wants.
I’d like to set default default values fields other than group-by (grid view) or lane (Kanban view). Ultimately I want a “working with” option that 1) filters out all rows not linked to a given project and 2) enters the given project in the PROJECT field no matter what view I’m working with.