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[SOLVED] Limit linked record selection to a view

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Airtable Alumni (Retired)
Status: Launched
4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hi everyone, I have en employee data base that contains active and departed colleagues, who are marked “alumni”.
On a separate form for current employees I have an expense request form, in which my employees can select their name from a drop down.
Problem is that in that drop down, there are my former employees as well… is there a way to only show a specific subset of my records in a web form ?
Thanks in advance.

14 - Jupiter
14 - Jupiter

There is not currently functionality built in for that, but there is feature that does this currently in beta testing. It allows one to limit the selection of records linked into one table to only those available in a particular view in the source table.

So when this feature goes live, you’ll be able to create a view in your Employees table that filters to show only active employees, and then use that view to filter records in your Expense Request table Form View, so that only Active Employees show up as options.

Based on my past experiences with Airtable’s beta program, I’d guess you can expect to see this feature go live in somewhere around a month. But not all betas are the same, so that’s not a guarantee.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Great!! Signed up and looking forward to testing this one out!

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

that’s great news
looking at the responses on this thread, this is a qualified need and if it doesn’t make through beta, there will be a lot of disappointed users

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

It is indeed a long awaited feature.
Does this mean that I can now rollup/count specific records from a certain view (Aka conditional rollup/count)?

This does not seem to be working for me. I have limited my linked records to a specific view, but the rollup is still rolling up values from ALL records, and not from the specific view.

14 - Jupiter
14 - Jupiter

Look at the 4th response above yours:

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

+1 - looking forward to trying it out.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hi, does anyone know if there has been any update on this? Is this on the roadmap soon? Or is this still in beta-testing?

8 - Airtable Astronomer
8 - Airtable Astronomer

I’m in need of this feature as well, I keep running into quirks like this that hold me back from committing to deploying this to my team as well as upgrading to pro.
I need the basic features to exist in order to actually prove out Airtable…

I’m trying to design a device calibration Base that needs to have each record link to the ‘standard device’ that was used to calibrate the ‘device under test’, where there are multiple records for each standard device, as it is itself calibrated once a year, but I need to limit it to only the most recent.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Total +1
@Katherine_Duh : This is such a powerful feature so that without I’m on the verge of moving my clients to a normal database/inventory system.

The beauty of Airtable for me is that my (non-tech) clients can update/edit/add data without me. But I also don’t need to build a whole system. But I’m reaching a point in my client’s prototypes that their desires become more and more dependent on this feature…