6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator
since ‎Aug 20, 2017
‎Jul 04, 2023

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  • 21 Posts
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What is the proposed idea/solution?A built in extension that provides the ability to bulk download attachments.  Filtering which records include and also renaming files based on any column of the table.How does is solve the user problems?Sometimes we...
Hi Does anybody know a formula to calculate an address from a google maps link?
Hi. I need an Automation that adds a file to a multi attachment field while a file is uploaded to a different attachment field in the same record. Does anybody knows if this is possible?
For a casting agency db I need to set a personalized filter column I have a field with the age, now I need a formula column that gives me the segment :point_down:t2: AGE CALCULATED COLUMN < 15 kids ...
Hi I have an Airtable sheet where I write the payment dates of a detailed budget. Then, a calculate field shows the week number and year for that specific payment. What I want to achieve is a way to generate columns (maybe in a new table) with the we...