4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer
since ‎Jan 12, 2023
‎Jan 10, 2024

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  • 2 Posts
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  • 3 Kudos given
  • 1 Kudos received

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Can someone please guide me in the correct direction. we have client filling out forms and this form includes from 1-30 documents. Once the form is filled out a new record is created im my base. Now, here is the thing, I need to be able to separate t...
I'm new to Airtable and as expected I need help with a formula, please! This is what I need: IF( {Days to Deliver} is equal to 0 then it   'Expires Today',IF({Days to Deliver}  is equal or bigger than 1 but less or equal than 7 then it is  'About to ...
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