When using the interfaces in Airtable, I face a strange problem. When I create a new interface, I can set a filter. When I like the interface, I would like to duplicate the interface, but with a different filter. How can I do this? Thank you!, Simon
Good morning and thank you for reading,we are collecting submissions (text + image) via Webhook into airtable. Both the text and image arrive well. We create a mail campaign in MailChimp. The image sometimes loads correctly via the URL, like in this ...
Found the solution (I guess): The Download links expire after 2 hours (see https://support.airtable.com/docs/airtable-attachment-url-behavior?_gl=1*wob2oj*_ga*MTcxNzEwNDI0Mi4xNjc2NzEyNjE0*_ga_VJY8J9RFZM*MTY5MjI2ODcyMS42LjEuMTY5MjI2OTIwOC4wLjAuMA..)Wi...
I cannot follow your step 2. It does not do it. Can you elaborate this a bit more, please?"The first was to create a linked record in the main table when any new record is created. The second automation was to manage modifications."Thank you so much!