5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast
since ‎Apr 12, 2021
‎May 04, 2023

User Statistics

  • 6 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 13 Kudos given
  • 3 Kudos received

User Activity

The situation: I’m setting up an attendance function on a sheet. Name, date, checkbox. Easy. I need other uses to be able to click that checkbox as well as myself. The problem: Any other user has to be promoted to the level of “Editor” to click the ...
I have a table that tracks every donation made to our charity, which includes the title of the fundraiser to where the funds were donated. This is triggered by each new donation. What I need to do is find a way to AUTOSUM the donations by the fundrai...
I’m creating a community-facing form where folks can click a button to open a client’s webpage - IF the client has a webpage. However, if they DON’T have a webpage, I’d love the button to not appear. As it is, it’s disabled, but is there a way to mak...