8 - Airtable Astronomer
8 - Airtable Astronomer
since ‎Apr 02, 2020
‎Aug 31, 2024

User Statistics

  • 75 Posts
  • 5 Solutions
  • 95 Kudos given
  • 139 Kudos received

User Activity

When offering a filter in an interface based on an 'email' field including the 'Current User' this is case sensitive.  If a user capitalizes a letter in their email address when signing up this possibly won't match exactly and the filter doesn't work...
CSV downloads are available for the ‘List’ type of interface but not on lists within the dashboard type. It would be great to allow csv downloads from a list contained on dashboards.
It appears that interface dashboard charts now allow you to put additional y-axis data (side by side bar charts), however, if you add a second data, the ability to 'show record count on charts' goes away as an option.  I would like to keep this optio...
Please allow for field validation (esp. numbers).  If not in the base, then at least in the interface.  For example, we may wish to limit numbers in a field from 0 to 10.  
On most visualization/charting software, displaying a value offers many more options, including to include the counts of any 'groupings' .  I have attached an example of what I mean.  Charts need more display options in general (e.g. on pie chart, sh...