Feb 27, 2023 08:49 AM
I’m building the process using a tally form and airtable.
1. User fills in a form that includes a question as follows - when do you want to start the challenge?
2. The answer which is a date is feed into airtable (formatted as friendly date, time and time zone)
3. Then, I want to sent an email reminder on this date (from point 2) at 11 a.m. How can I do this in airtable? i tried using a formula but couldn’t find one that gives me the same time output - at 11 a.m.
Feb 27, 2023 08:27 PM
If I were you, I would try the following:
1. Create an automation that triggers every day at 11am
2. "Find Records" action that looks for all records where the date is today
3. Repeating group with a "Send email" action
This would thus send an email to each person whose start date is set to today
Here's a link to a base with this set up
Feb 28, 2023 04:24 AM
Hi Adam,
The solution you proposed worked very well. That’s great and thank you very much.
Would you know how to stop the automation, say after, 21 days?