Interface Designer
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Forum Posts

Resolved! Ratio in interface

How can I display a ratio between two values in interface (dashboard)?I have the field "hours" in a base.In the dashboard I want to display the number of hours last week divided in a static number.Like:All records from last week.Total amount of hours...

jonaskarles by 5 - Automation Enthusiast
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Resolved! Can't run automation on button click

Hello!I'm trying to add a button to an interface and call an automation on click, according to this guide it should be possible, however when I try to follow the steps I face this problem:Supposedly the button should have the action option "Run autom...

RandomBot_0-1681915088602.png RandomBot_1-1681915162046.png
RandomBot by 5 - Automation Enthusiast
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Using Airtable to create a client portal

Hello. I'm trying to find information as to whether I can use Airtable only to create a customer/client portal. I've seen some videos but I need clearer instructions, meaning where do I go to create this portal, how do I add information, linking clie...

Resolved! Can't use Interface forms in automations?

When making an Automation to email me when a form is submitted (as this apparently isn't an option built into the form anymore?) When I select the 'When a Form is submitted' Trigger Type, I can't find the form in the drop down...Any thoughts? 

Coups by 6 - Interface Innovator
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Resolved! Duplicate button - Automation

Hello everyone,In an interface page I created an automation that is launched when I click on a button.The automation will allow me to duplicate a record.However, when this automation runs, I stay on the page of the record I've just duplicated.Is ther...

Julien by 5 - Automation Enthusiast
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Resolved! Interface Sharing

Hi. So the only way I can read-only share an interface with an external user is through Pro or Enterprise plans? Also is there a way to automate the sending of an interface dashboard for updates weekly, monthly, etc?

CH_Saturn by 5 - Automation Enthusiast
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Interface - Record Detail Button - Link to Original Record

Hello!I'm currently building an interface where I want to be able to pick a record, open the record detail for a specific linked record, click into one more record detail for a 3rd linked record, and then click a button to establish a link back to th...

AHeitz by 4 - Data Explorer
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