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[SOLVED] Limit linked record selection to a view

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Airtable Alumni (Retired)
Status: Launched
4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Read only link:

I’m using Link to another record to provide a pick-list of Child Skills for measurement. These Skills are age-dependent where they are only measured where the Child age-in-months is in range for the Skill being measured.

For example: [Skill Being Imaginative, age-months-min, age-months-max]

Pretends that one object represents another, 16, 26
Uses movement to express feelings, 30, 50

Where for a Child aged 20 months only Row #1 may be selected/picked.
Where for a Child aged 30 months only Row #2 may be selected/picked.


Are there any native Airtable functions that can achieve this type of range test against a Link to another record? Are there any Integrations that could help provide this function?

Any and all ideas appreciated.


13 - Mars
13 - Mars

You can’t filter available records in Linked Record fields: Linked Records Filter Options.

Also, I can’t think on an integration to do it.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

This is a very important feature to me as well. For instance, I’m using the Timer block to add timesheets and I add a task to each timesheet. When I go to select the task to add to the timesheet, I don’t want to have to scroll through all of the completed tasks to get to the one I want to add. Hope this gets added soon!

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Elias; thanks for the link in Linked Records Filter Options.
I hope @Jacob_L is taking this back as a feature request via an earlier direct email support request. Fingers crossed this has some serious consideration.


6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

I’m looking for the same feature. I link an account (required) and a contact (optional) to an opportunity. I’d like to only see contacts from the previously selected account when entering the contact.


6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

I’d like to see this too. I link an account (required) and a contact (optional) to an opportunity. I’d like to only see contacts from the previously selected account when entering the contact.

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

+1 for this important feature that would be relatively simple to implement.

I have “active” and “inactive” students that change on a monthly basis and when I take attendance, I have to unnecessarily scroll through loads of “inactive” records.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

+1 for linked record filtering too

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

I’m so disappointed that this feature is still not implemented. Seems so fundamental.

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Looking for this feature as well.

It was mentioned above that it’s important to ensure this ability doesn’t complicate the UX. To my mind, this feature would be included in the options when you set up the field using the “Customize Field Type” dialog where first you select “Link to Another Record” and choose the table, you then have the current option to turn on selecting multiple records or link to a single record, and then underneath this you would find the ability to allow for both filtering and sorting of the records the link dialog will return, using a similar approach to the sorting/filtering method for views.

At the moment, I generally make the primary key field of the linked table a formula field and build a name for each record that combines several bits of data from the record, so that I can identify the correct one when I’m looking in the list on a form. In an airtable view you get more data below, but in the form it’s just the primary key, so this is often necessary when working with forms. I see from the responses above that this is quite a common approach already.

If we had the ability to sort or filter the data based on the primary key field, you would use the formula field to append data to the name, so that you could sort or filter what you want, eg - starting the name with a “YYYYMMDD” string derived from a date field for date order, “001”,“002” for some other kind of ordering. Filtering out records where the name contains words like “CANCELLED”, or “COMPLETED” would then reduce the records returned to only Active ones.

But perhaps you can go one stage further, and provide the ability to choose which field from the looked up table you want to display in the list (ie, not the primary key, but another field such as “Name”), and also be able to sort or filter the results based on an another field within the look up table?

So I could show only records where “Status” is “Active”, or “Due Date” is in the future, for example, while displaying customer names or addresses, for example.
