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Forum Posts

Resolved! Write to the currency field in Airtable using Javascript

HiI'm reading my Airtable data using the API which is working fine, I'm now trying to write back to Airtable but I am having issues.I can write to Airtable successfully if the field is a string or a number but I can't when it's a currency. Any ideas ...

Evos_World by 6 - Interface Innovator
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Resolved! Scripting Extension external Api calls Limitation

Hey Guys, My question is how many external API calls we can make in Scipting Extension Block per execution.FYI, my usecase is to read records(around 2000) from a table view, make 2000 API calls for all of these records, and then finally update the re...

ruby_rails by 4 - Data Explorer
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Duplicate Base via new API

Admittedly, I'm super new APIs in general, and I'm using ChatGPT to generate the code. So, if you're looking at it and you're like 'you and chatbot are wrong about everything and this can't be done', please let me know.Here is my use case:Imagine I a...

Needing Trigger for Extension

We utilize the QR Code Extension in our data base & am looking for simple automation to trigger said extension when a form is submitted.  I have all the steps down but the trigger from the automation to hit the manual button on extension. I expect it...

JKules by 4 - Data Explorer
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Resolved! Having trouble filtering in automation script

Hello!  I am in desperate need of help. I can't figure out how to "filterByFormula" in the following script. I am trying to send a JSON payload via webhook to I only want to send records where a given field is blank. I have tried multiple v...

Resolved! Multiple fields in script config

I am new to scripting & know that I dont know exactly what I am doing however I like to learn & am kind of learning on the job taking it 1 step at a time.When creating a script the following code will allow the user to choose which table & field they...

yiddy by 4 - Data Explorer
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Button that runs a script to generate a random string

I'm not familiar with Javascript.Looking to make a button that will start a script to generate an alphanumeric string that's 8 characters long.  The code I found on Google to generate a string is:function makeid(length) { var result = '...

noelng by 4 - Data Explorer
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Resolved! Is it possible to use Ajax in an Airtable script?

I want to make an automation that runs a script, and in that script I'd like to call an ajax function (either with jQuery somehow or with XMLHttpRequest() etc.) to grab some external data from a Google calendar. Is this possible? I've searched around...

MrLuke by 6 - Interface Innovator
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