It would be great if the COUNTIF and the COUNTIFS formulas were implemented in Airtable. I use them in most of my excel spreadsheets, and it is a little frustrating not being able to use it here. Are there any plans to add more formulas?
My workaround right now is to create a field for each status I need to count then roll them up in a related table.
Example: Employee Status field is Active, Inactive, Starting, or Leaving. I create 4 hidden formula fields with If(Status=“Active”,1), If(Status=“Inactive”,1), etc then I can do a Rollup field on those fields to Count(values) or Sum().
Suppose you have a table of Tasks that can have a {Status} = “Complete”.
Supposed you have a table of Projects that can have many linked Tasks.
In your Tasks table, create a formula field; let’s call it {Complete?}:
IF({Status} = "Complete", 1)
In your Projects table, create a Count field, let’s call it {Total Tasks}, that counts the total number of linked Tasks.
In your Projects table, create a Rollup field, let’s call it {% Complete}, that rolls up like this:
Table = Tasks
Field = {Complete?}
Agg Function = SUM(values) / {Total Tasks}
Format that Rollup field as a Percentage field in the “Formatting” menu.
(Now just convert terms to whatever your schema is… “Tasks” = “Responses”, “Projects” = ???)