It would be great if the COUNTIF and the COUNTIFS formulas were implemented in Airtable. I use them in most of my excel spreadsheets, and it is a little frustrating not being able to use it here. Are there any plans to add more formulas?
I have a nested IF formula that returns several different outputs (emojis) depending on different conditions (mostly date comparisons). In a different table i want to rollup only one specific output from this formula with a COUNTIF. This COUNTIF would also later be lookuped to an additional different table. I’ve managed to do a workaround by adding an additional formula column which checks for that specific output and returns 1 or 0 which i rollup with a normal COUNT instead. It works but would be smoother and less columns with a COUNTIF that could rollup that specific output.
We need some formulas which can collect the aggregate value of a field to either the table or group level.
For example;
I have a field “Sale Amount”, I’d like to create another field which is “% of Total Sales”. To achieve this currently requires an absurdly tedious system of roll-ups.
With aggregate formulas this could be done with a single field.
SUM(Field, [Table/View/Group]) which would return the sum of the field for all records. The optional second parameter could restrict the set of summed records to be either the entire table regardless of view (default option), just the records in the current view, or just the records in the current group, respectively.
SUMIFS(SumField, Condition Field, Condition, [Table/View/Group]) would work the same way, but Condition Field is the name of the field which contains the value we check and Condition might be some list of operators (Equal, Not Equal, Greater Than, etc.)
Hi @Jeremy_Oglesby. Given that the formula is still not there, I assume COUNTIF is not yet implemented. One of the examples I would like to use COUNTIF and COUNTIFS is in my opportunity pipeline. For instance, if I want to calculate what is the conversion rate of opportunities into “Won closed”, I would use the count if and say,
(Count field “x” if the status in field “y” equals to “Won Closed”) / count the records = conversion rate [formatted as %]
Similarly, I can use the conversation rate but for a specific year. As such, I would like to be able to use the COUNTIFS and say,
(Count field “x” when the status field “y” equals to “Won Closed” and the Year is “2019”)
with countifs, you can add as many different conditions to be met before a count is triggered.
The reason why filters don’t work is that filter reduced down the records when we don’t want to filter down the records.
I hope this gives you a good understanding of the function, its application and importance to have it incorporated into Airtable.
COUNTIF please. It would solve a lot of problems and spare the headaches everyone is talking about here. Simple stuff I would think and would keep the bases nice and tidy and interoperable. Thanks.
Pretty obvious use cases all over Airtable team… countif is a common spreadsheet function used often for simple data evaluation. You can’t claim to replace these tools if you can’t hang with the basics.
COUNTIF is certainly a must. Currently there is no way to count all the occurrences of a single value in the field B through all the values of the field A. Which is quite a frequent need.