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Have Interface

  • December 30, 2024
  • 1 reply

I created a interface with airtable i but I don't have the base in my workspace. How can I retrieve the base for the interface?

1 reply


Hey @jzeller!

If you'd have access to the base itself, you could access it from the interface itself by:
1. Clicking on the name of the interface on the top left (see image)
2. Clicking on "View Data" from the dropdown (see image)

If it is correct that you actually do no to have access to the base -rather than just not finding it on your workspace-, then it might be the case that someone else, with access to the base and permission for handling accesses, could have revoked access from you.

Let me know if you could follow the instructions above, and we'll take next steps if needed from there 🙂

Mike, Consultant @ Automatic Nation
