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Introducing Interface Designer πŸŽ‰

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  • November 9, 2021
Allen_Moldovan wrote:

Hi Jordan,

Is a form element for interfaces on the roadmap? I would love to see some native functionality which accomplishes similar data validation as that demoed within Kuovonnes previously posted interface video.

Hi @Allen_Moldovan πŸ‘‹

Thank you for the feedback! We are exploring lots of different elements we could add to Interface Designer over time - including views and forms - so stay tuned for more updates to come.

  • Known Participant
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  • November 9, 2021
Jordan_Scott1 wrote:

Hi @Allen_Moldovan πŸ‘‹

Thank you for the feedback! We are exploring lots of different elements we could add to Interface Designer over time - including views and forms - so stay tuned for more updates to come.

Hi Again,

Thanks for the quick response and transparency! I’m looking forward to seeing what the team comes up with. I’ll be hawking the announcements category!

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  • November 9, 2021
ScottWorld wrote:


@Justin_Barrett noticed that certain components are only available with the built-in templates. For example, the β€œRecord List” component is only available in the pre-made β€œRecord review” layout, but if we make a new interface from scratch, we don’t have access to the β€œRecord List” component.

It would be nice if we had access to all components from all interfaces, regardless of whether we start from a template or build our own interface from scratch.

Hi @ScottWorld πŸŽ‰

Right now, you can access elements like Record list from the layout that is built to support that workflow. As we continue to build this feature, we’ll provide more flexibility in how you can set up your interfaces to make sure you can build exactly what you need! Lots of exciting updates coming πŸ™‚

Jordan_Scott1 wrote:

correct, we’re entering beta for adding branching logic to an automation’s actions 😍

How can I get access to "beta for adding branching logic to an automation’s actions

  • Brainy
  • 5987 replies
  • November 9, 2021

Here’s another sample interface that I built for viewing and editing data across three linked tables, including adding and deleting linked records.

I played a bit with this last night before I went to bed, and it was the first thing on my mind when I woke up. So excited about the possibilities!

  • Brainy
  • 5987 replies
  • November 9, 2021
Justin_Barrett wrote:

I played a bit with this last night before I went to bed, and it was the first thing on my mind when I woke up. So excited about the possibilities!

Same here. I played with it a bit last night. And then I woke up wanting to build out the two use cases that I have demoed. Even with this initial set of features, there is a lot of power to make workflows easier. I am even more excited to see what improvements are rolled out over the course of the upcoming year.

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  • November 9, 2021

It would be good to have the ability to add new records in the β€˜records list’. Perhaps based on some kind of permissioning system.

  • Brainy
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  • November 9, 2021
kuovonne wrote:

Here’s another sample interface that I built for viewing and editing data across three linked tables, including adding and deleting linked records.

Two great videos today, @kuovonne! :grinning_face_with_big_eyes: πŸ™Œ

I hope that Airtable can fix that issue of the linked records from 2 child tables away not clearing out when you switch to a different parent record. It looks like it will update linked records from 1 child table away, but not 2 tables away.

@Jordan_Scott1 This would probably be a good issue to share with the developers.

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  • November 9, 2021
Nathalie_Collin wrote:

Can we share outside our circle of paid members? Or is that what this is intended for?

@Nathalie_Collins At this time, you can only share with your existing collaborators. There is a more detailed support article if you’d like to take a look as well. Hope this is helpful!

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  • November 9, 2021

Incredible to see this sort of non-stop productive updates from a company during covid. Thank you guys for adding this!

I’ve jumped in so far… really impressed so far, I only wish there was the ability to add new records from record list views within the interface!

There seems to be a bug with the Timeline feature when it is connected to a record list. At least in one of my bases.

When I create a Timeline Element and set the Source as the β€˜Record list’, only a small number of Fields are available. It seems to be the Fields that are linked to other tables in the bases. Then, when trying to set the β€˜Date setting’, nothing is available to select, even though the tab has multiple date fields.

Maybe I’m just not understanding how this works?

  • Inspiring
  • 251 replies
  • November 10, 2021
Jordan_Scott1 wrote:

@Nathalie_Collins At this time, you can only share with your existing collaborators. There is a more detailed support article if you’d like to take a look as well. Hope this is helpful!

Hello @Jordan_Scott1

I am AIRTABLE Pro paid Plan and the only Editor of my Bases.

Here’s my Original Table & Content : text & pictures as usual in my AIRTABLE most frequent use cases…

I made my tests by sharing my first interfaces attempts in readOnly mode with my spam email address as one says on certain social networks Apps πŸ™‚

This user (it is me too) previously unknown of AIRTABLE opened my email, clicked on my link of interface sharing and obtained it in his workspace

after having made a SignUp towards a new AIRTABLE Free Tier, which is in fact a trial of 14 days of a Pro Tier.

All this works very well : very better show UX than ever got from some third-part Grids, Galleries interfaces I tried before learning html/CSS/js by the hard way (Work In Progress).

except that this User can see all my Base, all that it contains, because of 2 links to reach this Base present in the new AIRTABLE Interface UI


I would like these links and SHARE button never exist in that shared Interface real estate (subsequent to REACT Components reUsability ?) but it is out-of-scope of this message.

Does the visibility of my Interface generated from my Pro Plan Account but shared with an email address that just opened an Airtable Free-Tier account to enjoy it in Read-Only mode get an unlimited LifeTime or will it disappear after 14 days, at the end of the 14 days Trial of the new Free Tier involved in this test?

How long will I be able to share some new Interfaces with that AIRTABLE Free Tier as I’m publishing from my Pro Plan AIRTABLE account ?

I totally agree to spent more money involving my present Pro Tier to AIRTABLE in a future end of BETA time, but I would continue to share free ReadOnly interfaces to Free-Tiers as I’m already doing that with my shared & embedded VIEWs, from a long time, and outside of any AIRTABLE workspace, Free or Paid Plan : WEB Browser is enough to take a look at any of my shared readOnly VIEWS.

But new AIRTABLE Interface Designer is such better than any existing GRID, GAL, KANBAN existing VIEW that I definitely prefer continue building new Airtable Interfaces !



Olpy_Acaflo wrote:

Hello @Jordan_Scott1

I am AIRTABLE Pro paid Plan and the only Editor of my Bases.

Here’s my Original Table & Content : text & pictures as usual in my AIRTABLE most frequent use cases…

I made my tests by sharing my first interfaces attempts in readOnly mode with my spam email address as one says on certain social networks Apps πŸ™‚

This user (it is me too) previously unknown of AIRTABLE opened my email, clicked on my link of interface sharing and obtained it in his workspace

after having made a SignUp towards a new AIRTABLE Free Tier, which is in fact a trial of 14 days of a Pro Tier.

All this works very well : very better show UX than ever got from some third-part Grids, Galleries interfaces I tried before learning html/CSS/js by the hard way (Work In Progress).

except that this User can see all my Base, all that it contains, because of 2 links to reach this Base present in the new AIRTABLE Interface UI


I would like these links and SHARE button never exist in that shared Interface real estate (subsequent to REACT Components reUsability ?) but it is out-of-scope of this message.

Does the visibility of my Interface generated from my Pro Plan Account but shared with an email address that just opened an Airtable Free-Tier account to enjoy it in Read-Only mode get an unlimited LifeTime or will it disappear after 14 days, at the end of the 14 days Trial of the new Free Tier involved in this test?

How long will I be able to share some new Interfaces with that AIRTABLE Free Tier as I’m publishing from my Pro Plan AIRTABLE account ?

I totally agree to spent more money involving my present Pro Tier to AIRTABLE in a future end of BETA time, but I would continue to share free ReadOnly interfaces to Free-Tiers as I’m already doing that with my shared & embedded VIEWs, from a long time, and outside of any AIRTABLE workspace, Free or Paid Plan : WEB Browser is enough to take a look at any of my shared readOnly VIEWS.

But new AIRTABLE Interface Designer is such better than any existing GRID, GAL, KANBAN existing VIEW that I definitely prefer continue building new Airtable Interfaces !



Seems like Interfaces follows all Base permissions so: If you have a read-only user, they are read only until you remove them. All Airtable β€œaccounts” are free, you are charged by the workspaces you own. Users you add to your base/interface don’t disappear from the base/interface when their trial ends because they’re trial is irrelevant to the base for which you made the interface.

  • New Participant
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  • November 10, 2021

It’s a huge huge tease to have this transformative functionality but no support for button fields! Arrggghh! Our buttons call scripts that call other APIs. Hope this comes soon.

Bug: Editable fields for linked records in interface designer do not respect multiple vs single linked record options. In other words, if a linked record field in the Base interface does not have β€œAllow linking to multiple records” chosen, the interface designer will still permit a user to add a second linked record to that field. In our case, we use a linked record field for a number of items that can only be one choice – product type, product owner, etc.

Suggestion: Expose the record changes history feed as an Interface element. We can add a record’s comment feed, but not the very useful feed of changes made to the record over time. That journal of changes – who made a change to what field, etc. is exceptionally useful for our workflow, where more than one team member is often making changes to any given record. I’m considering an Interface as a friendlier version of our production pipeline and that would give us at-a-glance context for any record.

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  • November 10, 2021

Suggestion: Inconsistent text boxes on interface.

An empty single-line text field shows an empty text box on interface

An empty multi-line text field shows β€œStart typing…” in the text box on interface.

Would be nice if the two are consistent (i.e. don’t show Start typing…)

  • Inspiring
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  • November 10, 2021
Kamille_Parks11 wrote:

Seems like Interfaces follows all Base permissions so: If you have a read-only user, they are read only until you remove them. All Airtable β€œaccounts” are free, you are charged by the workspaces you own. Users you add to your base/interface don’t disappear from the base/interface when their trial ends because they’re trial is irrelevant to the base for which you made the interface.

Thank you @Kamille_Parks for taking the time to clarify this confusion in the last part of my message.



  • Inspiring
  • 118 replies
  • November 10, 2021

Awesome updates @Jordan_Scott1 ! But few suggestions:

  1. Password protected interface (similar to how we share our table particular view)

  2. Enable button action in the interface. Lots of custom functions and magic from the button πŸ˜€

Look forward to your updates!

  • New Participant
  • 3 replies
  • November 10, 2021

When trying to build some interfaces, Its nice that I can for example β€œcount the number of unchecked” records. But I would love to be able to count β€œchecked” ones too.

Being limited to β€œpercent of checked” is not that helpful when it says β€œ6%” but the actual count is β€œ2”. In my use case β€œ2” is much more useful number than 6% and its forcing me to omit data points in the dashboards because I dont have valuable data points that are clearer for my purposes.

The same holds true for other fields, see image, I can do β€œempty” and β€œunique” but not β€œfilled”.

kuovonne wrote:

If interfaces transitions to a paid feature, you will continue to be able to use any interfaces you have already made, per this support page.

While Interface Designer is available for all customers to use for free during beta, it will be subject to pricing and packaging restrictions down the road. After the beta ends, your workspace will retain access to any interfaces you build during the beta regardless of your Airtable plan.

retaining access most likely implies a read-only state. We all know that everything that we build is never completely finished. So where does that leave us if the full access is in a plan higher than what we have?

I’m speculated that this will either be a separate paid feature or a feature included in the Enterprise. I’m leaning towards a separate paid feature only because if you look at the placement of your interfaces, they’re all neatly tucked away in a separate β€œworkspace” of their own.

I know they need to wait and see what value WE find it this product in order for them to validate whatever price point they already have in mind. I wish they were fully transparent with their intentions.

Truth be known, I like this feature but I don’t know how much I should love it though.

Maybe I’m missing something really obvious… How do I create a new record with an interface? Ie, a form where someone completes some fields and then saves it as a record?

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  • 28 replies
  • November 10, 2021

Is there a trick to moving around the elements that I am unaware of? They sort of have a mind of their own and want to snap into place in not-so-good-areas.

  • Brainy
  • 5987 replies
  • November 10, 2021
David_Solimini wrote:

Maybe I’m missing something really obvious… How do I create a new record with an interface? Ie, a form where someone completes some fields and then saves it as a record?

Ways to create a new record:

  • in a grid view, the same as a regular grid view (assuming that the filtering allows it)

  • from a linked record field itself (but not in a grid view based on the linked record field)

  • from an automation triggered by a data change in the base

There is no native form view in Interfaces. All data entry needs to be tied to an existing record.
