Howdy good people!
Hoping someone can advise with a product code lookup scenario.
Our team sells training subscriptions. New subscribers submit airtable forms to notify of catalog onboarding. Each subscription is tied to a certain product (9 product types currently). Product name auto-populates in a multi-select 'Product' field upon form submission in an 'Offline Subs' table. Each product has a set unique code stored in another table (Product Codes). We need to auto lookup and match the product name with corresponding product code and auto populate this in a 'product code' field in the 'Offline Subs' table (see attached).
Playing around with lookup fields and can't see an automation option, imagining that this will require a script to achieve?
I don't have any coding/scripting experience so hoping someone can share a similar successful script or use case experience.
Any assistance greatly appreciated. 🙂