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Extension (page designer) syncing to multiple bases

  • February 24, 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi All,

I'm trying to sync an extension (page designer) from my primary base to another base.
All of the information are reading from the primary base and been syncing to the 2nd base. I just need to reflect whatever is on the extension to the 2nd base.
Is there a way to do this?

Thanks in advance!

1 reply

  • Inspiring
  • 601 replies
  • February 25, 2023

Page Designer typically shows the data from one table, not multiple tables and definitely not multiple bases. 

However, interestingly Page Design does have the ability to use Link Field records as-if they were lookups, and allows you to display various fields from those linked records, in a cell layout, grid or list layout.

Page Designer should be able to show data from another Sync’d base, so long as you have a Link Field to that sync’d table.
