Hi ! What I’m trying to do is a basic relational DB behavior, but I can’t find my way in AirTable. Here is the idea…
I have 3 tables interacting for this problem :
- table “Clients”
- table “Appointments”
- table “Invoices”
Relationships through “Link to” fields :
- Appointments <— many-to-one —> Client
- Appointments <— many-to-one —> Invoice
- Invoices <— many-to-one —> Client
In the Appointments table, when I link to an invoice, I obviously want to see only the invoices linked to the correct client. (The incomplete invoices are created beforehand)
Therefore, in the Appointments table, I want to filter the Invoice choices only to the invoices linked to the client of that appointment.
As I understand it, a filtering based on a view won’t be of help, since I can’t create a view for every client in my base…
Ideas ? Tips ? Help ? Is it even possible in AirTable ? Would be a serious limitation for my use cases, and I might regret MS Access for the very first time since I signed up for AirTable !
Thx for anything !