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Automation Scripting Error - Field cannot accept provided value

Not sure why I keep getting an error message when I try to automate this script:

I just need the first 5 digits of the Project code pasted into the 5 digit (linked) column. If it doesn’t already exist, it needs to create a new record.


22 replies

Full code:

//home table – long//

let longTable = base.getTable(“AIR Project List(SubCodes)”);

let queryResult = await longTable.selectRecordsAsync();

let record = queryResult.records[0];

let codeFull = record.getCellValueAsString(“Project Code”);

let fiveD = codeFull.substring(0,4)

//destination table - short//

let shortTable = base.getTable(“AIR Project List (5 digit)”);

let shortQuery = await shortTable.selectRecordsAsync();

let config = input.config();

// Find the matching record//

let matched = shortQuery.records.filter(code => {return === config.fiveD});

let codeRecord;

// If a matching record exists, use it; otherwise make a new record//

if (matched.length)

codeRecord = matched[0];


codeRecord = await shortTable.createRecordAsync({"Project Code_First5": config.fiveD});

await longTable.updateRecordAsync(config.recordId, {“AIR Project Code 5digit”: [{id:}]});

  • Inspiring
  • 5983 replies
  • October 2, 2020

Does the script work when there is a matching record?

If it only fails when the script needs to create a matching record, the problem probably is because the createRecordAsync function returns the id of the new record, not the full record.

There are a few errors that I see:

  1. Your script has an input variable name recordId, but you’re only using it to update the found/created record in the latter part of the script. If I understand your goal correctly, that record also contains the full project code that you’re trying to find in your second table.

  2. You’re trying to use an input variable named fiveD, but no input variable exists with that name.

  3. At the top of your script, you’re collecting the first record from the table, instead of the ID of the record that triggered the automation. That triggering record ID is the recordId input variable that’s not currently being used.

  4. When attempting to grab the first five characters of the project code into the fiveD variable, you’re actually only grabbing the first four. The substring method grabs a series of characters starting with the position indicated by the first parameter, up to but not including the position indicated by the last parameter. That second number should be 5, not 4.

Here’s how I think the code should look with those changes:

//home table – long//

let longTable = base.getTable("AIR Project List(SubCodes)");

let queryResult = await longTable.selectRecordsAsync();

let config = input.config();

let record = queryResult.getRecord(config.recordId);

let codeFull = record.getCellValueAsString("Project Code");

let fiveD = codeFull.substring(0,5);

//destination table - short//

let shortTable = base.getTable("AIR Project List (5 digit)");

let shortQuery = await shortTable.selectRecordsAsync();

// Find the matching record//

let matched = shortQuery.records.filter(code => {return === fiveD});

let codeRecord;

// If a matching record exists, use it; otherwise make a new record//

if (matched.length)

    codeRecord = matched[0];


    codeRecord = await shortTable.createRecordAsync({"Project Code_First5": fiveD});


await longTable.updateRecordAsync(config.recordId, {"AIR Project Code 5digit": [{id:}]});

  • Inspiring
  • 5983 replies
  • October 2, 2020
Justin_Barrett wrote:

There are a few errors that I see:

  1. Your script has an input variable name recordId, but you’re only using it to update the found/created record in the latter part of the script. If I understand your goal correctly, that record also contains the full project code that you’re trying to find in your second table.

  2. You’re trying to use an input variable named fiveD, but no input variable exists with that name.

  3. At the top of your script, you’re collecting the first record from the table, instead of the ID of the record that triggered the automation. That triggering record ID is the recordId input variable that’s not currently being used.

  4. When attempting to grab the first five characters of the project code into the fiveD variable, you’re actually only grabbing the first four. The substring method grabs a series of characters starting with the position indicated by the first parameter, up to but not including the position indicated by the last parameter. That second number should be 5, not 4.

Here’s how I think the code should look with those changes:

//home table – long//

let longTable = base.getTable("AIR Project List(SubCodes)");

let queryResult = await longTable.selectRecordsAsync();

let config = input.config();

let record = queryResult.getRecord(config.recordId);

let codeFull = record.getCellValueAsString("Project Code");

let fiveD = codeFull.substring(0,5);

//destination table - short//

let shortTable = base.getTable("AIR Project List (5 digit)");

let shortQuery = await shortTable.selectRecordsAsync();

// Find the matching record//

let matched = shortQuery.records.filter(code => {return === fiveD});

let codeRecord;

// If a matching record exists, use it; otherwise make a new record//

if (matched.length)

    codeRecord = matched[0];


    codeRecord = await shortTable.createRecordAsync({"Project Code_First5": fiveD});


await longTable.updateRecordAsync(config.recordId, {"AIR Project Code 5digit": [{id:}]});

Great job finding and investigating the different issues in the script.

Your code is clearly written and easy to read.

I suggest the changing the variable codeRecord to codeRecordId because the createRecordAsync function returns a record id, not a complete record. You can see the changes in the snippet below.

let codeRecordId; // change name of variable to reflect new value

if (matched.length)

    codeRecordId= matched[0].id; // get the id of the record, not just the record


    codeRecordId= await shortTable.createRecordAsync({"Project Code_First5": fiveD}); // returns an id, not a record


await longTable.updateRecordAsync(config.recordId, {"AIR Project Code 5digit": [{id: codeRecordId}]}); 

kuovonne wrote:

Great job finding and investigating the different issues in the script.

Your code is clearly written and easy to read.

I suggest the changing the variable codeRecord to codeRecordId because the createRecordAsync function returns a record id, not a complete record. You can see the changes in the snippet below.

let codeRecordId; // change name of variable to reflect new value

if (matched.length)

    codeRecordId= matched[0].id; // get the id of the record, not just the record


    codeRecordId= await shortTable.createRecordAsync({"Project Code_First5": fiveD}); // returns an id, not a record


await longTable.updateRecordAsync(config.recordId, {"AIR Project Code 5digit": [{id: codeRecordId}]}); 

Great catch, @kuovonne! I haven’t written many scripts that create records, and still need to be reminded that createRecordAsync returns just the ID.

Unfortunately even with those updates I am still receiving the same error code. The Linked column fields cannot accept that value.

The ultimate goal here is to automate what I would do manually, which is just paste the first 5 digits of the project code into the 5 digit column, which is linked, creating (or using an existing) record in the 5 digit linked tab.

So, still wont let me do that.

Megan_Ecclesto1 wrote:

Unfortunately even with those updates I am still receiving the same error code. The Linked column fields cannot accept that value.

The ultimate goal here is to automate what I would do manually, which is just paste the first 5 digits of the project code into the 5 digit column, which is linked, creating (or using an existing) record in the 5 digit linked tab.

So, still wont let me do that.

If i run the code

let longTable = base.getTable(“AIR Project List(SubCodes)”);

let queryResult = await longTable.selectRecordsAsync();

let config = input.config();

let record = queryResult.getRecord(config.recordId);

let codeFull = record.getCellValueAsString(“Project Code”);

let fiveD = codeFull.substring(0,4)

it will output the 5 digits into the log. So I KNOW it pulls the right data from the right place. It just wont paste it into the linked field on that record.

Thank you so much for helping me with this @Justin_Barrett and @kuovonne!!

  • Inspiring
  • 5983 replies
  • October 3, 2020

I recommend that you write the script using scripting app so that you can better debug the script. For example, in an automation, you can’t tell where the process is breaking down. It could be that you are receiving the wrong digits. It could be that you are filtering on the wrong value. It could be that the read and write formats are different, etc. There are way too many possibilities given that we don’t know the field types or data values.

kuovonne wrote:

I recommend that you write the script using scripting app so that you can better debug the script. For example, in an automation, you can’t tell where the process is breaking down. It could be that you are receiving the wrong digits. It could be that you are filtering on the wrong value. It could be that the read and write formats are different, etc. There are way too many possibilities given that we don’t know the field types or data values.

I have tried the script in the scripting app. It pulls the correct data, and before the If/Then statement console.log(fiveD) returns the correct value. The same error message occurs in the scripting app. The issue is that the fiveD value cannot be added to the linked column field.

  • Inspiring
  • 5983 replies
  • October 4, 2020
Megan_Ecclesto1 wrote:

I have tried the script in the scripting app. It pulls the correct data, and before the If/Then statement console.log(fiveD) returns the correct value. The same error message occurs in the scripting app. The issue is that the fiveD value cannot be added to the linked column field.

When writing values to a linked record field in a script (either scripting app or a automation script action) you cannot “paste” in the desired text the way you can with the user interface. To set the value for a linked record, see the write format for a linked record.

Between the code that @Justin_Barrett wrote and the code that I wrote, you should be able to get the record id and write it in the correct format. However, there could still be problems elsewhere. For example. we don’t know the field name or field type of the field in the short table, and either could be causing problems.

It is also surprising that you are getting a five digit code from the line fullCode.substring(0,4) as I would expect to get only four digits from that line.

It would be easier to help you if you could include screen captures of your data (including column headings), your code, and the error messages from scrpting app.

kuovonne wrote:

When writing values to a linked record field in a script (either scripting app or a automation script action) you cannot “paste” in the desired text the way you can with the user interface. To set the value for a linked record, see the write format for a linked record.

Between the code that @Justin_Barrett wrote and the code that I wrote, you should be able to get the record id and write it in the correct format. However, there could still be problems elsewhere. For example. we don’t know the field name or field type of the field in the short table, and either could be causing problems.

It is also surprising that you are getting a five digit code from the line fullCode.substring(0,4) as I would expect to get only four digits from that line.

It would be easier to help you if you could include screen captures of your data (including column headings), your code, and the error messages from scrpting app.

So I played with it some more and got it to write in the 5 digit code value. ( added the output.text to ensure pulling the first 5 digits in a string)

However, it only does it for the first record. How can I fix it to run through all records?

(Or - if this is automated to trigger on a record creation on the Long Code tab, will it not matter?

Thanks again for all your help!

  • Inspiring
  • 5983 replies
  • October 9, 2020
Megan_Ecclesto1 wrote:

So I played with it some more and got it to write in the 5 digit code value. ( added the output.text to ensure pulling the first 5 digits in a string)

However, it only does it for the first record. How can I fix it to run through all records?

(Or - if this is automated to trigger on a record creation on the Long Code tab, will it not matter?

Thanks again for all your help!

Congrats on getting the script to work as a script app. If you convert the script to an automation script action, the script does not need to run through all records. Because automations are triggered by a specific record, each automation run will only affect that one record.

kuovonne wrote:

Congrats on getting the script to work as a script app. If you convert the script to an automation script action, the script does not need to run through all records. Because automations are triggered by a specific record, each automation run will only affect that one record.

If I wanted to leave it as a Scripting App, how would I have it run through all the records?

  • Inspiring
  • 5983 replies
  • October 10, 2020
Megan_Ecclesto1 wrote:

If I wanted to leave it as a Scripting App, how would I have it run through all the records?

To have the script run through all the records in a view of a table, you need to get all the records in the view, and then loop through them.

let table = base.getTable("Table Name")

let view = table.getView("View Name")

let queryResults = await view.selectRecordsAsync()

for (let record of queryResults.records) {

  // do stuff with your record here

  // either directly 

  // or by calling a function that acts on one record


I am having the same issue and there does not seem to be a solution. Who would have thought updating values would be so difficult.

What is the value that a linked record is expecting?

I’m having a similar issue.

the list is > 10 items, and yet the loop completes with “updateRecordAsync” writing only a single element, the last element in the list.

for (let thisWord of list_of_unique_feeling_words_in_this_transcript) {

    let feelingsTableRecord = feelingsTableQuery.records.filter(record => record.getCellValue("Feeling Word") === thisWord.toString());

    await memberTable.updateRecordAsync(thisMemberRecordID[0], {

        "Overall Feelings Words Used": [...thisMemberRecordID[0].getCellValue("Overall Feelings Words Used"),{id: feelingsTableRecord[0].id}]



Nicholas_Ventur wrote:

I’m having a similar issue.

the list is > 10 items, and yet the loop completes with “updateRecordAsync” writing only a single element, the last element in the list.

for (let thisWord of list_of_unique_feeling_words_in_this_transcript) {

    let feelingsTableRecord = feelingsTableQuery.records.filter(record => record.getCellValue("Feeling Word") === thisWord.toString());

    await memberTable.updateRecordAsync(thisMemberRecordID[0], {

        "Overall Feelings Words Used": [...thisMemberRecordID[0].getCellValue("Overall Feelings Words Used"),{id: feelingsTableRecord[0].id}]



I don’t see this sentiment stated here often, but Airtable’s docs, as detailed as they are, are a terrible place to actually learn JavaScript.

Every functionality of the platform is well-chronicled, sure, but in order to read the notation, you’re expected to have a solid grasp of JS context, scope, object-oriented programming, ternary operators, IP/TCP specification (how many “I can’t write a fetch() request, hurr durr” posts are we getting here daily?), JSON standard, immutability, and I’m probably forgetting a bunch of other stuff right now.

I’m not saying this to discourage you @Nicholas_Venturino but to encourage you to get your JS fundamentals elsewhere; Mozilla’s docs are an excellent place to start, as evidenced by how eager Airtable’s PR reps are to link to them, whatever the occasion.

Once you become more comfortable with the language, I’d suggest reading ECMA-262 directly but that’s probably too much right now.

As for how to bend linked record fields to your will, Airtable expects the following format:

let recordToUpdate = "recxyzxyxzxyz" //this is supposed to be a

let recordsToLink = [{id:"recQdBXPuNonFOa4X"},{id:"recQdpxPuOonFOh4X"}]

//assuming your linked record field is called Notes and is located in a table called Table 1

await base.getTable("Table 1").updateRecordAsync(

    recordToUpdate ,{

        "Notes": recordsToLink 


Note that this setup will overwritte the linked record field, so if you want to add to its existing contents, you’ll want to make sure the recordsToLink array includes those contents before executing the aforementioned lines.

You should be able to do that by querying the record to update, then doing something in the vein of:


Again, try to work on your fundamentals in a low-stress environment or otherwise none of this will make too much sense and copy-pasted code is a nightmare to debug, assuming what I typed here even works lol.

  • Inspiring
  • 5983 replies
  • June 27, 2021
Dominik_Bosnjak wrote:

I don’t see this sentiment stated here often, but Airtable’s docs, as detailed as they are, are a terrible place to actually learn JavaScript.

Every functionality of the platform is well-chronicled, sure, but in order to read the notation, you’re expected to have a solid grasp of JS context, scope, object-oriented programming, ternary operators, IP/TCP specification (how many “I can’t write a fetch() request, hurr durr” posts are we getting here daily?), JSON standard, immutability, and I’m probably forgetting a bunch of other stuff right now.

I’m not saying this to discourage you @Nicholas_Venturino but to encourage you to get your JS fundamentals elsewhere; Mozilla’s docs are an excellent place to start, as evidenced by how eager Airtable’s PR reps are to link to them, whatever the occasion.

Once you become more comfortable with the language, I’d suggest reading ECMA-262 directly but that’s probably too much right now.

As for how to bend linked record fields to your will, Airtable expects the following format:

let recordToUpdate = "recxyzxyxzxyz" //this is supposed to be a

let recordsToLink = [{id:"recQdBXPuNonFOa4X"},{id:"recQdpxPuOonFOh4X"}]

//assuming your linked record field is called Notes and is located in a table called Table 1

await base.getTable("Table 1").updateRecordAsync(

    recordToUpdate ,{

        "Notes": recordsToLink 


Note that this setup will overwritte the linked record field, so if you want to add to its existing contents, you’ll want to make sure the recordsToLink array includes those contents before executing the aforementioned lines.

You should be able to do that by querying the record to update, then doing something in the vein of:


Again, try to work on your fundamentals in a low-stress environment or otherwise none of this will make too much sense and copy-pasted code is a nightmare to debug, assuming what I typed here even works lol.

Very true. Airtable’s scripting documentation is a great place to learn Airtable’s scripting API, but a poor place to start if you do not yet know JavaScript fundamentals. New script writers do not need to know quite as much as Dominik lists in his post, but they do need to know enough JavaScript to be able to read and understand the examples in the Airtable scripting documentation before the scripting documentation will be of use.

Nicholas_Ventur wrote:

I’m having a similar issue.

the list is > 10 items, and yet the loop completes with “updateRecordAsync” writing only a single element, the last element in the list.

for (let thisWord of list_of_unique_feeling_words_in_this_transcript) {

    let feelingsTableRecord = feelingsTableQuery.records.filter(record => record.getCellValue("Feeling Word") === thisWord.toString());

    await memberTable.updateRecordAsync(thisMemberRecordID[0], {

        "Overall Feelings Words Used": [...thisMemberRecordID[0].getCellValue("Overall Feelings Words Used"),{id: feelingsTableRecord[0].id}]



Just to close the loop for anyone else looking at this issue. I was able to get it working by creating a new array and using two different spread operators.

    let arr = []

    for (let w of list_of_unique_feeling_words_in_this_transcript){

    let feelingsTableRecords =  feelingsTableQuery.records.filter(record => record.getCellValue("Feeling Word") === w.toString())



    if (members_feelings_records != null ){

        await memberTable.updateRecordAsync(thisMemberRecordID[0], {

            "Overall Feelings Words Used": [...thisMemberRecordID[0].getCellValue("Overall Feelings Words Used"),...arr]



It’s still unclear to me why my previous code block doesn’t run as expected. I’m guessing it’s something to do with “updateRecordAsync” being an async function.

  • New Participant
  • 2 replies
  • August 16, 2021
Dominik_Bosnjak wrote:

I don’t see this sentiment stated here often, but Airtable’s docs, as detailed as they are, are a terrible place to actually learn JavaScript.

Every functionality of the platform is well-chronicled, sure, but in order to read the notation, you’re expected to have a solid grasp of JS context, scope, object-oriented programming, ternary operators, IP/TCP specification (how many “I can’t write a fetch() request, hurr durr” posts are we getting here daily?), JSON standard, immutability, and I’m probably forgetting a bunch of other stuff right now.

I’m not saying this to discourage you @Nicholas_Venturino but to encourage you to get your JS fundamentals elsewhere; Mozilla’s docs are an excellent place to start, as evidenced by how eager Airtable’s PR reps are to link to them, whatever the occasion.

Once you become more comfortable with the language, I’d suggest reading ECMA-262 directly but that’s probably too much right now.

As for how to bend linked record fields to your will, Airtable expects the following format:

let recordToUpdate = "recxyzxyxzxyz" //this is supposed to be a

let recordsToLink = [{id:"recQdBXPuNonFOa4X"},{id:"recQdpxPuOonFOh4X"}]

//assuming your linked record field is called Notes and is located in a table called Table 1

await base.getTable("Table 1").updateRecordAsync(

    recordToUpdate ,{

        "Notes": recordsToLink 


Note that this setup will overwritte the linked record field, so if you want to add to its existing contents, you’ll want to make sure the recordsToLink array includes those contents before executing the aforementioned lines.

You should be able to do that by querying the record to update, then doing something in the vein of:


Again, try to work on your fundamentals in a low-stress environment or otherwise none of this will make too much sense and copy-pasted code is a nightmare to debug, assuming what I typed here even works lol.

Hey Dominik,

Seems that I’m having the same issue as Nicholas has covered above. The fault is raising on the updateRecordAsync. I use the same code in other automation flow but haven’t found the same issue. May it be related to the size of the array?

let inputConfig = input.config();

let recordId = inputConfig.recordId

let country =

let chargeId = inputConfig.chargeId

let country_code = inputConfig.countryCode

let country_table = base.getTable('Country')

let q = await country_table.selectRecordsAsync()

for (let record of q.records) {

    if ( == country_code) {


        let cache = record.getCellValue("Payments")

        let charge = [...cache]

        charge.push({id: recordId, name:chargeId})

        await country_table.updateRecordAsync(record, {




        // This one didn't work either.     

        // let arr = [{id: recordId, name:chargeId}]

        // await country_table.updateRecordAsync(record, {

        //     Payments:[...record.getCellValue("Payments"), ...arr]

        // })



Dany_Chepenko wrote:

Hey Dominik,

Seems that I’m having the same issue as Nicholas has covered above. The fault is raising on the updateRecordAsync. I use the same code in other automation flow but haven’t found the same issue. May it be related to the size of the array?

let inputConfig = input.config();

let recordId = inputConfig.recordId

let country =

let chargeId = inputConfig.chargeId

let country_code = inputConfig.countryCode

let country_table = base.getTable('Country')

let q = await country_table.selectRecordsAsync()

for (let record of q.records) {

    if ( == country_code) {


        let cache = record.getCellValue("Payments")

        let charge = [...cache]

        charge.push({id: recordId, name:chargeId})

        await country_table.updateRecordAsync(record, {




        // This one didn't work either.     

        // let arr = [{id: recordId, name:chargeId}]

        // await country_table.updateRecordAsync(record, {

        //     Payments:[...record.getCellValue("Payments"), ...arr]

        // })



This may be the problem. When setting something that has both an ID and a name, it’s best to use one or the other, but not both. In theory it shouldn’t be a problem to use both properties, but if one property will do the job, then there’s no point in adding the second one. It doesn’t do anything that the first one doesn’t do, so I suggest leaving it out.

Dany_Chepenko wrote:

Hey Dominik,

Seems that I’m having the same issue as Nicholas has covered above. The fault is raising on the updateRecordAsync. I use the same code in other automation flow but haven’t found the same issue. May it be related to the size of the array?

let inputConfig = input.config();

let recordId = inputConfig.recordId

let country =

let chargeId = inputConfig.chargeId

let country_code = inputConfig.countryCode

let country_table = base.getTable('Country')

let q = await country_table.selectRecordsAsync()

for (let record of q.records) {

    if ( == country_code) {


        let cache = record.getCellValue("Payments")

        let charge = [...cache]

        charge.push({id: recordId, name:chargeId})

        await country_table.updateRecordAsync(record, {




        // This one didn't work either.     

        // let arr = [{id: recordId, name:chargeId}]

        // await country_table.updateRecordAsync(record, {

        //     Payments:[...record.getCellValue("Payments"), ...arr]

        // })



Welcome to the community, Dany!

I agree with Justin and would like to suggest you try simplifying your code a bit as these sticky situations are best avoided instead of debugged.

For example, you could declare your cache array outside of the for…of loop, use the loop to fill it with records like so:


Then update them all at once by doing:

while (externalCache.length) await country_table.updateRecordsAsync(externalCache.splice(0,50))

In this case, you’d be left with roughly two-thirds of your original source code while accomplishing the same task more quickly (especially if you’re dealing with a lot of data). Speed aside, fewer lines of code means fewer opportunities to make mistakes.

In the meantime, see if that final part of your code works on its own by giving it a single recordId to update manually. I’m also not following the charge/cache logic - why the destructuring? If that’s a linked record field, the getCellValue method alread returns an Array by default.

Not a chance IMO. What kind of error is the code throwing, or is it simply not doing anything perceivable?
