I'm working on an inventory system. Paired with AirPower, it connects to our shopify storefront to upload on the base what we have in stock on our website. Once I get this finalized, it will also work in reverse. We have individual items and then packages with multiple different items within it. I have made a separate tab with Compositions for my mixed packages based on this discussion. Thus, with sticking in the structure of Airpower, I have one tab for ALL products, one tab with variants that holds the inventory, and another tab (Compositions) that connects all the individual items (within variants) to its mixed packages (also within it's variants) and associates individual item quantity in each package.
All this being said, I now am coming to a standstill. I want to write a formula that is equivalent to saying "If the package (linked) is the same, and the quantity available of the individual item (also linked) = 0, than the package= 0." In other words, if the individual item on the website is sold out, mark the packages that have that individual item as sold out too. I have played with a bunch of different if() formulas as well as ifsame() formulas which I realize after consulting the formula reference will not work with this sort of comparison.
Please help!