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Count users listed in another field

  • March 14, 2025
  • 1 reply


I’m working on a voting app, where there are tons of enhancements. There’s a ‘Votes’ field which is of type ‘User.’ Users can add their names to that field in order to vote for that enhancement. This is based on a simple, single table.

I want to have an interface page that lists enhancements that have gotten votes, sorted by the number of votes each has gotten. So if I add my name to that Users-type field, the number of votes for that enhancement goes up by one, and the sorted list of enhancements by number of votes gets appropriately updated.

I thought I could just do a calculated field with this formula:


However, that’s giving me a value of one (1) for each record, even though right now most fields have no entries and a few have 2 or three.

I’ve only done pretty basic things with Airtable, so I’m hoping there’s a simple way to do this and I just can’t get google to find it for me. Any help you can offer would be appreciated!

1 reply


You can count by commas

IF({Field}, 1+LEN({Field})

