I have a field where people can select multiple options. The question is “what are some emotions you experienced” and they can select from 9 options. I want to know how many people choose Joy and Anticipation, whether they’re the only options selected or if they’re part of a bunch of responses. I’ve found several ways to set up a formula field that tells me if someone ONLY chose Joy or Anticipation, but it doesn’t pick up if someone chooses Anticipation and Sadness or Joy and Anticipation together. There are too many possible combinations to realistically set up a nested IF formula.
Is there a way to write a formula that will tell me if someone chooses either option, regardless of whether they chose other options too?
I have tried OR, FIND, SEARCH, and REGEX, though it’s likely I’m just setting it up incorrectly!
If it helps, the data is coming in through an external site via Zapier, so if needed I can change the field type from multi-select to text.