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How do I automatically populate records from one sheet to another based on a date?

  • July 29, 2020
  • 1 reply


I have a base with 2 sheets. In Sheet 1, I have a list of tasks, their due dates, client name, and other info from my job’s project management software. In Sheet 2, I have another list of tasks with similar info (tracking my tasks outside the project management software). I’d like to somehow incorporate both of these, and generate a list (maybe on a third sheet) that displays tasks from both sheets in order of due date. Is this possible?


1 reply

Welcome to the community, @AnnieK! :grinning_face_with_big_eyes: What I strongly suggest is combining all of your tasks into a single table, and using views to control which tasks you see at a given time. You could have one view that shows our project management software tasks, another that shows tasks outside of that, and a third view that shows everything. Views are designed for this specific purpose. Each view has independent filter settings, which can be set so you only see what you need in each view. You can learn more about views here:
