Dear community,
I am working on a table for an art collection. The first field is supposed to sum up my most important information about each piece with a formula:
CONCATENATE({artist},", “,{title},”, “,{year},”, ",{height (cm)}, " x “, {width (cm)}, " cm” , ", ",{technique})
This works perfectly fine so far, but I am struggeling to include an IF-Formula within the existing formula: Since a few of the works have a depth worth mentioning, I also want to include the depth of the pieces in the first field, but only IF the field {depth (cm)} is NOT EMPTY. As far as i researched this would be IF (depth != BLANK (), " x ", {depth}) , but I didn’t manage to make this work, let alone yet including it into the existing one.
Just to sum it up, I want the formula to be displayed like this, with the bold part only being shown if the field is not empty:
artist, title, year, height x width x depth cm, technique
I’m sorry if this is obvious but I’m very new to airtable.