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  • March 21, 2025
  • 1 reply


Bonsoir la Communauté,


voilà mon problème : dans ma table “Membre” j’ai le champ (type Date) = Date_Naissance et le champ (type formule : DATETIME_PARSE(DATESTR(DATEADD(DATETIME_PARSE(DAY(Date_Naissance) & "/" & MONTH(Date_Naissance) & "/" & YEAR(TODAY()), "DD/MM/YYYY"), 0, "days")),"YYYY-MM-DD") ) qui me calcule le jour de l’anniversaire du membre.

Jusque là tout va super bien, cela fonctionne très bien.

Maintenant je veux créer une automatisation qui dit : quand un membre fête son anniversaire on envoie un mail.

J’ai également le champ “Mail” (type Email) dans ma table.


Je choisis :

Automatisation personnalisée

 et au test tout est ok

Le problème vient du mail :


 J’avoue que je suis perdue là et votre aide me serait bien précieuse.

Merci la communauté !!

1 reply


Hey ​@Ben_Iddea!

My french is not great, so I might be missing smth. My understanding is that you want to check for Contact birthdays on a daily basis, and send out a personal email to each. Right?

If so, I’d suggest doing the following:

1. Make small change to your formula, or have a new field called Birthday Today.

DATETIME_PARSE(DATESTR(DATEADD(DATETIME_PARSE(DAY(Date_Naissance) & "/" & MONTH(Date_Naissance) & "/" & YEAR(TODAY()), "DD/MM/YYYY"), 0, "days")),"YYYY-MM-DD") ) = Today()

Now, if current year’s birthday day is today, then the formula should output 1, otherwise it should output 0.

2. Change your automation.
Trigger is ok, to make it run on daily basis.
Next action should be Find Records which matches conditions where Birthday Today = 1
Then you should have a repeating group block.
Within the repeating group you should have a Send Gmail action, where you can map the corresponding email of the item within the group.

You should not be using Structure of Base. Structure of base is only providing you with the field id of each of your fields rather than the value of the field for a specific record!

I hope this helps as a starting point, but feel free to reach out or post any follow up questions. I’d be happy to help!

Mike, Consultant @ Automatic Nation
