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Database structure

  • May 24, 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi everyone, I am trying to get my head around how to structure an inventory location app. I see there is one that I can clone which is great but the secondary level of complexity is that we track multiple locations in the warehouse. This template has the ability to track multiple locations but not multiple quantities in multiple locations. As you can see in the screenshot below I have added 3 locations for the first product but I need to work out how to structure a quantity for each location.

Here is the Locations image below, so how can I add a qty for each location?

Thanks so much for your help folks in advance.


You need another table that has the following fields:

  1. Link to another record-type field linking to [Product Inventory]
  2. Link to another record-type field linking to [Warehouse Locations]
  3. Number field for the quantity

Your current {Product Inventory} field in the [Warehouse Locations] table should be converted to a Lookup, as well as the corresponding field in the [Product Inventory] table.
