Ah, there are two types of forms, Form Views which show up in the ‘Views’ section of the table in question, and ‘Forms’ in general, which can be found at the top bar of the base. Are you saying that the created form doesn’t appear in both of these places?
I tried typing up another, more lengthy reply to your post, but the new community software blocked my post.
Here is a shorter version of my post that was blocked... let’s see if this posts successfully:
There are actually 4 different types of forms in Airtable… each one displays in a different place in Airtable.
The view forms are no longer being improved by Airtable, so if you’d like to see your more advanced interface form within the data layer, you can actually embed that form within your data view’s extensions panel by using Airtable’s embed extension.
Just click on “Edit form view” if you want to create a form view. Otherwise, you can use my trick above to embed your interface form in the extensions panel.