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Infinite error after running extension

  • February 9, 2023
  • 1 reply

I have an extensions that use useCursor, useLoadable, and useWacthable. I am able to run an extension application and get the correct entry id to generate what I need to. After I have run the extension and click on a different cell I get tons off errors in the console that looks something like this. 



~Uncaught (in promise) Error: comment count out of sync at RecordStore. _ loadCellValuesInFieldIdsAsync$ (bundle. js 1: 180883) at tryCatch (bundle js:1:1444931) at Generator. invoke las invoke] (bundle.js: 1: 1444536) at (bundle.js: 1:1445835) at tryCatch (bundle js:1:1444931) at invoke (bundle. js:1:1446108) at bundle.js: 1:1446340 loadCellValuesInFieldIdsAsync$ @ bundle.js: 1 tryCatch @ bundle.js:1 invoke @ bundle.js:1 (anonymous ) @ bundle.js:1 tryCatch @ bundle.js:1 invoke @ bundle.js: 1 (anonymous ) @ bundle.js:1 8 Error: comment count out of sync at RecordStore.. _loadCellValuesInFieldIdsAsync$ (bundle.js: 1:180883) at tryCatch (bundle.js: 1:1444931) at Generator. invoke las invoke] ( 1:1444536) at Generator. next (bundle,js: 1:1445835) at tryCatch (bundle.js: 1:1444931) at invoke (bundle is:1:1446108) at bundle.js: 1:1446340 (anonymous @ bundle.js:1 Promise.catch (async) useLoadable _useUnwatchedRecordQueryResult useRecordById EditorGuard Th @ bundle_js:1 @ bundle is:1 @ @ @ bundle,is:1 si @ gk @ bundle.js:1 fk @ bundle.js:1 Zi @ bundle.js:1 Li @ (anonymous ) @ exports. unstable_runWithPriority @ bundle.jsH1 fg @ ia @



I am not exactly sure what it could be does anyone have any idea?

1 reply

  • Inspiring
  • 10 replies
  • July 21, 2024

I think it's a bug on the Airtable side. I also faced this, and the only solution I came up with at the time is just try avoid your application do anything useful just after updating a cell for a while. 
